One Lovely Honour

Today is a special day. Not because it actually rained for the first time all summer. Not because I spent an hour dodging carts in a chaotic Costco. And not because I slaved over a couple dozen teapot-shaped sugar cookies. Today is special because I have the honour of accepting the One Lovely Blog Award.

A couple of months ago, Jessica from Defining Wonderland was kind enough to nominate my blog for this honour. Jessica is a writer who shares her very insightful thoughts on friendship, family, romance, and life. Her blog is rocking some awesome content and I strongly suggest you head over her way to check it out for yourself. Thank you, Jessica, for considering my blog for this award!

So what exactly does this all mean? That’s a good question. First of all, I’ve been told that I must share seven random facts about myself. I’ve done this once before (with a different award) so I suppose I should share seven different secrets. Here goes…

ONE: I am a journal-a-holic. I have a spiritual journal, a visual journal, a random thoughts journal, a future journal, an inspiration journal, and a questions journal. You may think that’s excessive but I can honestly say that I utilize every single one, each for its intended purpose.

TWO: I used to hate Twitter. I thought it was so stupid. However, I signed up for an account in March and have been addicted ever since. I’ve nearly reached 600 tweets already…(by the way, feel free to follow me at @amberwide)

THREE: I have a feather extension in my hair and have had it since January.

FOUR: If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go to Iceland. It is such an underestimated destination but has such natural beauty and a rich history. I also wouldn’t mind touring the countryside of England and Ireland. One day…one day.

FIVE: I hardly ever draw in my sketchbook. You could pretty much consider me the worst art student ever. Let’s just say my creative energy extends into my baking, sewing, knitting, and photographing instead. If I do add something to my sketchbook, it’s usually some type of flower drawing or doodle that was done on a scrap piece of paper and glued in after the fact.

SIX: I carry oodles of snacks in my purse. From rice cakes to soda crackers, bananas to granola bars–I’ve always got the grumblies covered!

SEVEN: My summer reading list includes Emma by Jane Austen, A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, and The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

So now what? I get the honour of nominating my very own picks for the One Lovely Blog Award! I’ve been lucky to find some very awesome blogs out there in the big-bad-blogosphere so I feel honoured to be able to pass this on.

Abbie chronicles all of the hilarious adventures (or misadventures) of her three boys on her blog All That Makes You…. I have had some major laughs while reading her posts!

Lightly Crunchy is chalk full of recipes and small stories that prove that the small things in life are truly the most precious. Heidi shares lots of pictures and has inspired me time and time again.

I can honestly say that Truth and Cake is one of my favourite blogs. Rian writes insightful pieces with such eloquence and wit. I look forward to her posts more than I look forward to dessert after dinner (and that’s a lot!).

Perhaps these ladies have already won this award (which would not surprise me at all), but I thought I would pass it on to them anyways. They have some pretty rockin’ blogs that are more than deserving of both the honour and your time. You ladies are awesome so keep producing your fabulous posts!

To read more about the guidelines of this award, check out Jessica’s post. Thanks again for the nomination, Jessica!

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2 thoughts on “One Lovely Honour

  1. Thanks, Amber! More than dessert–now that’s saying something ;) I love reading about your adventures, looking at your beautiful photo collages and discovering inventive new desserts on your blog. You rock and your blog is very deserving of the term “lovely.”

  2. I love all 3 of your summer reading choices. Nice to hear a bit more about you. I don’t think there is any worry about you being a bad art student – your creativity extends into all areas of your life. Congratulations and thank you for the compliment!

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